Friday, 4 November 2016

Don't be afraid of PROBLEMS

Problems in studies, family, health, school, career, money, relationships and many more areas will pop up in your every day life. The longer you live, the more obstacles you must overcome. Learning to handle life's problems effectively is an important life skill. 

Your attitude towards problems is the most essential thing in overcoming problems. Think over the following facts to fine tune your attitude towards your problems.

1.Every living human being has problems. 

Everyone has challenges to overcome everyday. Even people who seem to be most successful, have their own problems in everyday life. Nobody has a perfect life. Some people just know how to deal with problems in a perfect way. 

2.Every problem has a limited life span.

Everything has a beginning and an end. Every mountain has a peak and every valley has a low point. Every story has a beginning and an end. Storms are followed by sunshine. In the same way, problems don’t last forever. They get resolved sooner or later. When you face a problem, don’t keep dwelling on it. Cheer up! Remember the words of Robert Schuller "Tough times never last but tough people do!"

3.When you can not solve the problem, you can manage that problem.

Let’s face it. Sometimes reality stinks. The brutal truth is that some problems can’t be solved. They can only be managed. To do so, first be brutally honest in identifying the limitations. Second, find ways to improve the situation. Third, take actions with personal responsibility. 

4. Problems are opportunities in disguise.

Every problem contains within it the seed of an opportunity. All lasting success in life is laced with problems and misfortunes. Winners turn stumbling blocks into steppingstones. Gain a new perspective by looking at the problem from different angles. Can the rules be changed? Reframe the problem as a positive question.

5. Learn from the problems.

In dealing with the problems, we all make mistakes, but we don’t need to make the same ones over and over. Write down the lessons you’ve learned, and then try not to repeat them.

6. Be creative in solving problems.

Each time you encounter a problem, avoid worrying about it and instead think about how you can best deal with it. Value your ability to be creative. Your job is to find the best choice for you among the solutions that exist. Think about the solutions and work on the best solution. Sooner or later the problem will either get resolved or become irrelevant. 

Successful people believe that there is a solution for every problem. They visualise a solution and work for it. From this minute, make yourself cheerful enough to welcome problems.

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